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Web Server's Default Page

This page is generated by Parallels Plesk Panel, the leading hosting automation software. You see this page because there is no Web site at this address.

You can do the following:

  • Create domains and set up Web hosting using Parallels Plesk Panel.
  • Use Parallels Virtuozzo Containers with Parallels Plesk Panel to set up domains (Web sites) in virtual dedicated servers. Using a number of virtual servers with Parallels Plesk Panel on a single machine allows for flexible management of your server's resources.

For more information please contact Administrator.

şöyle bir hata veriyor beyler ne yapmalıyım bir türlü anlamadım acaba herkestemi aynı sorun var ?

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En Çok Yazanlar

  • DespairOfAngel


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En Hareketli Günler

En Çok Yazanlar

En Hareketli Günler

http://www.animemangatr.com/ aynı bu şekilde yazıyom

animemangatr.com da denedim sadece forum kısmına giriyor

ek olarak googleye animemangatr yazdım ordan deniyim dedim yine olmadı

bütün yazıları kopyaladım

Parallels Plesk Panel

© 1999-2010, Parallels

All rights reservedDiscover Parallels

Virtuozzo Containers

Web Server's Default Page

This page is generated by Parallels Plesk Panel, the leading hosting automation software. You see this page because there is no Web site at this address.

You can do the following:

  • Create domains and set up Web hosting using Parallels Plesk Panel.
  • Use Parallels Virtuozzo Containers with Parallels Plesk Panel to set up domains (Web sites) in virtual dedicated servers. Using a number of virtual servers with Parallels Plesk Panel on a single machine allows for flexible management of your server's resources.

For more information please contact Administrator.

Other Parallels Solutions

pdfm_box.jpg Parallels Desktop® for Mac

Lets you run Windows on any Intel-based Mac without rebooting! The best solution for running Windows, Linux, or any of many other operating systems alongside OS X.

Learn More!

pws_box.jpg Parallels® Workstation

Lets you run Windows, Linux and more side-by-side on a single PC without rebooting. The most powerful, stable, easiest-to-use, cost-effective desktop virtual PC solution available today.

Learn More!

This page was generated by Parallels Plesk Panel

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firefoxiexplorer,chrome hepsiyle denedim.. hem uye hem ziyaretçi hemde yonetici olarak hic bir sorunla karsilasmadim.. sanirim sizinki anlik bir hataydi yada hata.. sorun hala devam ediyorsa siteden uye cikisi yapip cachleri temizleyip yeniden deneyin (ek olarak farkli browserlarda deneyebilrsiniz).. bunlarda cozum olmazsa sunucu dns degismistir(ama bu imkansiz haber vermeden degisitrilmez)..


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Eyvallah çok sağol kardeşim dedigin gibi cache önbelleği temizledim sorundan kurtuldum

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