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Arata naru Sekai (The New World)

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Resmi sitesine göre Arata naru Sekai (Yeni Dünya) multimedya serisinin Ascii Art Media Works, Aniplex, Kadokawa Shoten ve Madhouse işbirliğiyle gerçekletirileceği duyuruldu. Seri Hitoma Iruma'nın, yazarlığında bütün bir hikaye olacak ve geçmiş, şimdiki ve gelecek olmak üzere 3 parçadan oluşacak. Söylediklerine göre roman, manga ve anime sırasını izleyecek. Bu proje İruma'nın yazarlığının 5.yıl kutlamaları şerefine başlatıldı.

Konu: Baya uzun olduğu için çevirmedim.İngilizce olarak paylaşıyorum.

The human population has been severely diminished, and tomorrow may be the day of extinction. However, the unchanging seasonal cycle passes by as always, now in the chilly days between autumn and winter. To be exact, time hasn't stopped, but the world can't go to tomorrow.

All that remain are chronologists (researchers who study time) and a few children. Time travel is finally achieved, and the young boys and girls are planned to be sent to the past and to the future in order to save the human species from extinction.

School becomes dominated by lectures regarding time travel for the aptitude test. The results classify the students into those who will go to the past, those who will go to the future, and those who will remain.

the boys who jump to the past to decipher the mysteries of the world

the girls who jump to the future in hope of witnessing prosperity

and the girls who cannot do anything more than plow their farms

"Arata naru Sekai" is a story about these children who search for a bright tomorrow.

Synopsis of Novel (past)

We came from the far future, where most of the adults have disappeared as if they vanished into thin air and all of the children are managed by a few adults. To discover the cause behind human extinction and to evade it from that root cause... That's what we had jumped to the past for, supposedly.

A boy sitting in the seats of a movie theater fidgets with his cellphone.

"Before aptitude or anything, trying to change the future with just five kids? You would think there's a limit to lack of planning,"

he typed on his cellphone. The boys wonder if they had really come to the past. Why? Because, ever since they arrived, they haven't stepped one foot outside this theater.

Synopsis of Manga (present)

"A classmate still remaining here is the cause of human extinction."

That's what it said in the letter from the past, written in the familiar handwriting of my friend. The next day, I decided to go to school, though I can't remember how many weeks it's been since I last went. 'I decided to go search for the culprit' would be a lie, but 'it didn't matter' would also be a lie.

"Hey Arata, I almost thought you'd forgotten how to come to school."

Oh, アラタ (Arata) refers to me by the way. It's written as 新 in kanji. The kanji is often misread as シン (Shin) though.

"Huh, and what'd you come here for Nouko? Come here often?"

The students here are what you would call 'the losers'. At least, from the perspective of time travel, they are all classified as useless. I am also one of them.

Synopsis of Anime (future)

Four high school girls in uniforms walk silently on the barren earth. These girls are time travelers who had been sent 6000 years into the future, from their present in which the same day is endlessly repeated, in order to evade human extinction.

They studied time travel in school, were examined by the aptitude test, and were sent to the future as told. What should they do now? They had no idea. The only thing they could take with them from the present was a light, toy-like cellphone. Of course, it receives no signal here.

As the girls are walking, they see strange birds flying in the sky, and a discolored river in the distance.

Then, one girl finds an abandoned house, and recognizes the name inscribed on the front gates.









Novel Writer, Original Manga Story, Original Anime Story and Script, Lyrics: Hitoma Iruma (Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko)

Novel Illustrations, Original Character Design: Kurehito Misaki (sample works on homepage)

Manga Artist: Kenji Ooiwa (Welcome to the NHK)

Animation: Madhouse

Music: Satoru Kousaki (Kizumonogatari)

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İngilizcem olmadığı için konusunu anlamadım ama karakter tasarımları hoşuma gitti. Çıkınca büyük bir ihtimal izlerim :D Paylaşım için teşekkürler

Anlamadım :sok aglama:

Biri konuyu özet geçse ...

keşke ing ii olsa

Çizimleri öncelikle hoşuma gitti.

:))) Diğer önemli olanı ise, İçinde Ecchi nin olup olmaması... olmaz inşallah. :) gerçi çizimlere yansırdı olsa idi. :D

Haber için teşekkürler bekliyor olacağım. :)

Konu kısaca zamanda yolculuk üzerine;Gelecekte insan nüfusu son derece azalmış belki yarın tamamen nesli tükenecek riski altındadır.Bir grup genç daha iyi bir gelecek için zamanda farklı tarihlere giderek araştırma ve önleme çabalarına girmiştir.

*erkekler zamanda geçmişe giderek dünyanın gizemini deşifre etmeye çalışacaktır.

*kızlar zamanda geleceğe giderek insalık için refah dolu bir umut aramaktadır

*ve kızlar günümüzde çiftliklerini işlemekten fazla bir şey yapmamaktadır.

İlginç bir konusu varmış.

:) yakın zamanda çıkar inşallah. :)

Niye ecchi olmasın kirer5we Ecchi gayet güzel bir tür hafifte olsa bu animeye yakışır :uzqgun:

Ecchi gereksiz bir tür diyebilirim...

:) Ama bunu "Sadece benim için" eklentisi ile söylemek daha mantıklı geliyor. :)

Evet milyon tane izleyici var..

Atıyorum Claymore nin izleyici Kitlesi 1.000.000 olsun

içinde ecchi olsa, bu rakam belki 950.000 olacaktı..

yada en kötü 999.999 olurdu. :D

MadHouse yazısını gördüğüm an ağzım bu şekil oldu: :1459mr: Ama hikayenin yazarı hakkında aynı şeyi söyleyemeyeceğim.

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